Backstage Areas

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Scattered throughout the property are working areas that can be transformed into any number of sets.

Just a few examples: the entrance to the Botanical work area once served as the gateway to a middle America religious cult compound where a massacre had occurred.  For a different show, the work area parking lot was the setting for a murder; that scene was set in China. A construction trailer in the back woods stood in for a Washington, DC construction area during a crime investigation. And the Head House garage was once dressed as an Internet cafe in Islamabad.

Mostly, of course, shows come here for the gardens.  But many other options are available to help fill up your day; only a few pictured here.




The Munger Loading Dock
Maintenance Building
Wall behind the Boone
Backwoods debris storage area - contacts will vary
EVC tunnel
Entrance to Botanical work area
Head House garage work area
Dressing the Head House garage as an Islamabad Internet cafe
Cage Hallway
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